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Mental Power Podcast

Dec 28, 2022

Checking in with Pilot Brian Otieno

Born and raised in Kenya 

Topics in this Mental Power Podcast episode:

  • How Brian became a Bush-Pilot and flys nowadays for Dropzones in Europe
  • Could you describe the mentality of a pilot?
  • Why is confidence, attitude and self-discipline important?
  • Pilots are trained to remain calm and...

Dec 14, 2022

Checking in with Maurizio Di Palma

My name is Maurizio di Palma, I am 43 years old, I have passed my last 26 years with a parachute on my shoulders, 21 with a BASE rig.

I have dedicated and am still doing my life to one of the most grateful activities that one person can do in his life, the BASE Jump.

I have passed all...